What is the best example of a post-scarcity society?

None yet exist, at least as we define it.

My allies and I regard our model as the best example, because of the following attributes:

1) Non-utopian. We are well aware of our own limitations. Perfection is an aspiration, not an attainment.

2) Evolutionary. Given that there are and ever will be mistakes and possible improvements, it is designed to evolve.

3) Variety. Supports many different societies coexisting with a common scaffolding. It is not a blueprint.

4) Evidence-based, favoring experimentation in service to quality of life metrics, which are chosen because they support a set of shared principles.

5) A Charter (the shared, consensually chosen principles), from which everything else in the society emanates.

6) Based on systems of sustainable technological abundance, meeting the necessities and an increasing proportion of luxuries. These derive from the Three Pillars of Abundance, those being effectively unlimited clean energy, effectively unlimited raw materials, and organizing intelligence (increasingly, software). The basis for all three is at hand in the decades ahead.

That’s what comes to mind at the moment. I may be forgetting something, but it’s a good start at differentiating us from alternative proposals!


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