A Scaffolding, not a Blueprint
A Celebration Society by Jonathan Kolber offers a ground-breaking solution to the most urgent problem of our age: accelerating automation threatens to put multitudes out of work in the near future.
To get an overview of our proposal without reading the entire book, you can check out the overview page. But the best introduction is this five-minute professionally narrated audio video, best opened in PowerPoint as Slideshow, Play from Start: Grand Celebration 5 min
If we don’t get in front of this problem, we face civil unrest and destabilization on an epic scale.
The proposed solution is for a new type of society, based on provable systems of sustainable technological abundance. Many different societies can emerge and coexist within that scaffolding.
The climate crisis is equally serious, but not expected to devastate us as quickly. Novel solutions to that crisis are also discussed in the book.
Paperbacks may be ordered directly from this website, and both Kindle format e-books and paperbacks are available now from Amazon.com–and, soon a professionally narrated audiobook, expected circa August 15!
Bundled pricing includes being able to order a Kindle format e-book for only $1.99 if you also purchase the print book, and Amazon Prime members can get the e-book for free as part of the Kindle Lending Library.
The book retails for $17.95. The paperback is 6.14″ x 9.21″ (15.596 x 23.393 cm), and 340 pages long. Published by Inciti Publishing, Inc. its IBSN number is 978-0692552391, and it is categorized as Social Science / Future Studies.
Money a concern? You can get a copy for free! Here’s how. Join the Society (it’s free). Then, write [email protected], promising to read the book and, if you agree with the message, that you will enroll two others into joining the Society. (There’s a blog about how to do enrollment.)
The purpose of this book is to stimulate discussion and debate that leads to a movement, culminating in a grand experiment.