Tag: quora

  • Towards a Celebrationist Future (A Personal Note)

    Towards a Celebrationist Future (A Personal Note)

    Like many of us, I’ve had a lot of pain in my life. It’s part of living. (As I’ve written on Quora, fears about robots suffering are unfounded.) Recently, I delivered a speech entitled “The Gift Box of Pain”. A realization has been dawning in me that some of the greatest gifts of my life have arisen from some of the deepest pain.

    I won’t dwell on this here, but I delivered that speech in the Toastmasters semi-annual competition, and we recorded it. For now, what I wish to say is that by recognizing that pain may have hidden within it gifts in the form of lessons, I have come to welcome—not seek!—pain, as an honored companion on my journey. Also, by accepting pain as it appears, and looking for its gifts, it never becomes suffering.

    What I’ve noticed, more and more, is that the journey is moving from struggle and pain to steps of joy and wonder. Every week, amazing new companions and prospective allies are emerging. Some of them are exactly the people whom I’ve sought in my heart for a long time. I feel as if a greater intelligence is dancing with me, and with us, bringing us all together to begin weaving a tapestry of tomorrow.

    I don’t know where this journey will take us but, as I advised a young man recently who had asked my help, by living a life that answers for oneself Peter Diamandis’ great challenge[1], it’s already a success regardless of what happens. (I am already hearing the inner music. I hope you are, too.)

    Individually, we are insignificant to the course of time. (Common “great man” theories of history generally underestimate the necessity of the many devoted allies that always align with an Einstein, a Tesla, a Curie.) Together, we are a mighty force for change, and can be a beacon that burns so brightly people will need sunglasses to look at us.

    By building a society based on the sustainable science and technologies of abundance, we’ll never again be plagued by the weaknesses of “indispensable leaders” or of incorrect revealed knowledge. (Leaders and revealed knowledge may be honored, as each person feels appropriate. But such persons and knowledge should never be at the core of a society. Its Charter should be at the core, and leaders should attain that status by virtue of other people wanting to play with them in realizing a shared vision.)

    Let’s dance and play our way to a future in which people generally experience continuing peace, prosperity, enthusiasm and unrestricted progress. The technologies are there to help us, the AI’s will welcome the unlimited intellectual challenge and the robots will do everything we don’t care to do.

    I am even starting to envision bumper stickers. Here are some candidates:

    • Celebrationists have more fun!
    • Work is a four letter word
    • Celebrations: in YOUR future
    • Jobs are for machines

    Maybe bumper stickers won’t be such a good idea. I’m happy to hear your ideas for increasing awareness, allies, and Society members!


    [1] Figure out that for which you would gladly die, then live your life in service to this vision.