

10 slides giving highlights of A Celebration Society


3 responses to “A-Celebration-Society-Very-Brief-Overview”

  1. John Waters Avatar
    John Waters

    I would like to correspond with you, but I can’t register. Message is “User registration is currently not allowed.”

    I have ideas I might contribute, and postgraduate studies credits for my independent research on “the subject” of “the optimal society.”

    Are you open to collaborations?

    Best wishes

    1. Jonathan Avatar


      We appreciate your assistance. This is definitely intended as a collaborative effort, and others have already made improvements including identifying my mistakes.

      Where are you studying?

      The easiest way to reach me right now is by writing [email protected].

      I believe the problem may be that we have a lower version of PHP than is required by Vaultpress, but I don’t know how to upgrade it and am only speculating.

      Regarding your ideas, I am looking forward to hearing them, and can bring in others as their expertise may be relevant.

      I’m going to copy this and send it to you directly, just in case there is a further problem with communication.



  2. Demba Avatar

    Good afternoon Jonathan, I tried to register myself, but seems like registration is simply closed. If you get in touch with your Webdesigner and explain the issue, it won’t take much ro fix it, I do webdesign as well and this is something I disable or enable at times based on workflow preference and follow up requirements in approving or disapproving registration for broad security reasons/concerns.

    Hope this helps.

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