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Call for Guest Blogs

A Celebration Society has always been about encouraging discussion. I don’t want to limit this to my point of view, and so we are now opening the blog for others to contribute. Good topics might include: How to start a movement What will enable a Celebration Society to manifest Technologies that are especially relevant or […]

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Robotic Evolution, Accelerating Automation, and Job Loss

Researchers have recently figured out how to impart hive learning capabilities to robots. It’s particularly applicable to the kinds of complex tasks that require observation, trial, error, learning and further trials. This will enable them to collectively learn, in weeks, tasks that would have individually taken the robots years. Essentially, a group of identical robots […]

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Shock therapy, coming soon to your country

Shock therapy is a concept proposed by some economists before the Soviet union collapsed. Essentially, it’s the idea that a command and control economy should be immediately dismantled, to be replaced by market mechanisms. Adam Smith cautioned against this, and it was a disaster in Russia. People who lack a culture of individual responsibility will […]